Thursday 26 January 2012

Part two of day three

The second part of the day was riding down the Riva of Italy. Making our way south all the time. Dead easy just keep the sea on your right and you are going in the right direction. Rolling through one big holiday resort after another, and it's getting late. Looking for a place to kip down for the night. Richard decides to ask in one of the big hotel's along the sea front. I'm telling him, it's going to cost at least £100 a night. No way says Richard. So off he walks. I stay with the bike's have a smoke knowing it's a waste of time. Richard comes back saying I'm right. He's called in two and got the same answer. £100 a night. One want another 25 euros each just to park the bike's up. So now it was on the card's that it's going to be a camp site.

Now it's all up to me to find one. After a little talk it's follow me. I'm making my way out of town, and see a sign saying camp site. No direction no distance, zip. So I stop. and good luck is on my side. At that moment a lad is coming out of a side entrance pushing a small twist and go, So I ask about the camp site. The lad can speak good English. The out-come of this is follow me and I'll take you there. Five min's latter was are out side the camp site, booking our self in. The chap who runs it tells us that by getting a big pitch we will pay less then getting two small one. So that's what we do. Or that what I do. Richard, in the mean time is making his way to the pitch. I'm signing us in and paying the rent. Out with the tent's and getting our self set up for the night.

Richard is off to get something to eat, I'm coming along latter.

                               In the restaurant.

Richard is tucking in to his meal. I join him and order mine. So Richard is ahead of me in the eating race. A beer, and he's off saying he's getting an early night. OK I think. then I find out when I come to pay. That Richard has walked off with out paying for his meal. I end up paying for both, making sure I get a ticked for his half. The next day I'm at word's with Richard. About the meal and the site payment. You own me 30 euros. What says he, why do I have to pay that. I'm dumb struck. Richard that's the way of life. I think the penny had drop just about the min after he had said it. It was at that moment the light bulb moment came to me. That it was not me, this chap was going to be a first rate prick.

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